Monday, September 5, 2011

I'm a Celebrity!

Just the other day, I was told that my picture is on one of the UW-L website pages (far left picture). Say what?! I didn't know they'd put me on there, especially since I don't go there anymore; however, I'm not complaining! Here's a little explanation. One of the offices I worked in during grad school was called the Campus Climate office. This office is aimed at promoting social justice issues and making the campus a safer, more welcoming and inclusive community. I really enjoyed my time working there, and I learned SO much, not only from the people I worked with, but also from the students I interacted with on a daily basis. That particular day, we were promoting a "United Against Hate" campaign. The ribbons we're sporting (mine around my leg) all said, "UNITED." As you can see, we also wore black. I was proud to help send such a great, powerful message. Anyway, kinda of a random entry, but to see that picture and to be reminded of what an amazing experience I had working in Campus Climate just took me back a little. Definitely going to visit those peeps while I'm in La Crosse next week! :)

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