
Monday, February 18, 2013

First Envelope!

As you saw in one of my recent posts, I bought some envelope and envelope liner templates. I've been feeling creatively inspired these days, and I thought this could be a cool way to channel that creativity. Well, last week, I got the templates in the mail and decided to try my hand at my first envelope! I have some scrapbooking tools around, as well as some good paper, so it was nice to be able to give it a shot as soon as I got the stuff. I went to Madison for L's sister's birthday this weekend, so she was the lucky recipient of my first handmade envelope. Take a look! :)
 The outside! (The paper is really thick cardstock.)
 Surprise! A red inside! :)
 With a card inside...
 And some stickers to personalize it for her! :)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Wendy! It was shockingly easy. I used the templates, and I also bought some envelope glue that you remoisten so you can lick it shut like a normal envelope. I had the paper and some scrapbooking glue from a previous 'life,' so that was helpful in actually creating the envelope. I'll definitely be making more, and hopefully they get cooler and more exciting as time goes on! :)

  2. Casey and I added this to our crafting morning/night/day list. Yay! Nice job :)

    1. Cool!! I hope you have fun with it, and I totally wish I lived closer and could be a part of those craft nights! I look forward to making more envelopes soon!
